My GitHub repositories tend to be unstable and unfinished. Below are a variety of completed and packaged examples of my work.

RSS Temple

A RSS/Atom web-app with full-text search written in Angular

RSS Temple Backend

Backend for RSS Temple, written in Python on the Django Rest Framework


A command-line SQL-like interface to search and update your ID3-tagged files, written in C#.

Holly's Game

A simple arcade-like hack-and-slash game, where the goal is to survive against waves of Orcs for as long as possible, written in Java/Android.


A no-frills version of Shuffleboard, which uses simple physics and score-keeping, written in Java.

Tic Tac Toe

A simple game of Tic Tac Toe, written in C++.

APNG Suite

Two programs, both written in C#, which read PNGs and APNGs, and display them. One is written using Winforms, and displays all .png images in a folder. The other is written using OpenTK and OpenGL, and will display only the specified .png file.

Large Number Calculator

A command line calculator program, written in C, which is capable of addition and multiplication of numbers much larger than computers are normally capable of.

Transmission Simulation

A command line program, written in C, which simulates a single byte being sent over a network, using the Hamming Code to ensure the byte received is the same as the byte sent.


A command line program, written in C++, which simulates a simple race, using probability and random chance to determine the outcome.